What's the meanest thing that you've heard a teacher say about a student?

3rd grade teacher told me I would have no friends when I grow up lmao

Smart said:
3rd grade teacher told me I would have no friends when I grow up lmao

My mom used to tell me this…

Guest lecturer in college told student in a class “if I were in your situation I would probably k myself”

Tony1 said:
Guest lecturer in college told student in a class “if I were in your situation I would probably k myself”

Just wow.

I heard an educator I really respect call an unproblematic, average (maybe a little unorganized) student a “dud of a human being”. Otherwise, she’s such an amazing teacher, and I really don’t know why she said that.

That is very sad.if the kid is unorganized and having other problems in school that teacher should stop criticizing that kid and start teaching that kid.

A grade.

Shortly after I came out ( at a liberal school in a liberal area), I overheard a gym teacher say, “if they want to be gay, they better lose that weight,” I don’t know if that was directed at a student, I definitely don’t know if it was directed at me (an overweight gay kid), but I thought it was at the time. Jokes on them, I got the school to let me replace afterschool sports (which were required) with play rehearsals.

“You better hope you stay pretty, because that’s all you have going for you” My 7th grade math teacher to a girl in my class.

"The best they can hope for is a job minimum wage job bagging groceries. They’re burdens on their families, who will resent having to take care of them, when they should be taking care of their parents. They won’t be loved, just resented, never respected. They’ll be shuffled from relative to relative before being dumped in a group home. ". My Sped Teacher Grandma on why you don’t want to ever fall into the trap of being Special Ed.

“If they pull a Columbine at my school, hope they start with my room. None of their parents would miss em.” Another quote by my Grandma about her Special Ed Students.

The meanest thing I’ve said about a student to another teacher is that he was a psychopath because that is indeed how he behaved.

I watched a coach in Lee’s Summit, Missouri HS choke a kid while holding him against the wall and cussing him up and down in 1994

Not so much what they said… A band teacher in my middle school threw chairs at my brother and later that year a kid fell down a two floor stairwell and rumors were universal that he pushed the kid. The kid also believed that and just couldn’t prove it in court. No clue what kind of dirt this teacher must have had on the principal to never get fired for his horrible treatment of students.

Teacher - Why did you name one of your identical twins Cheryl and the other Sharel?

Parent- “Because they have different fathers”

Teacher - There must be drugs in the water here in Dundalk to make people this stupid.

My 11th grade ELA teacher threatened to punch us if we asked to repeat herself. (Which I had to often due to my ADHD causing memory issues)

Oh man, I know exactly what comment comes to mind. It’s something a coworker said back in like 2012 but it’s so mean, I cant even bring myself to type it. Thankfully he’s not a teacher anymore.

It’s teachers like this one that give all teacher a bad image. This is why students and parents have no respect for teachers and treat hem like shit.

Does is really matter if the mom and daughters are sex workers? I know some teachers are. And what this dipshit teacher doesn’t know is some of these sex workers are making nearly $50 million per year. (This fact has been verified by the way). How much is the teacher making in comparison?

Of course it was a terrible thing to say, but are you sure you want to go with the idea that lower teacher pay makes them less valuable as people or as a profession?

SarahBrown said:
Of course it was a terrible thing to say, but are you sure you want to go with the idea that lower teacher pay makes them less valuable as people or as a profession?

Never said that. Are you implying sex workers are less valuable individuals or as a profession?

I’m trying to figure out how else to interpret an insult aimed at the teacher flowing into a brag about how much money sex workers make.

And yes, I’m happy to go out on a limb and say outright that teaching as a profession is more valuable than sex work. Much more valuable. Education is one of the most important things we can do to help all of humanity.

You do realize there would be no humanity to educate if it were not for sex.