What should you do if your graduation is false?

Just to clarify something, my graduation is not false. Let me then make you’ll understand my issue maybe you might help me.

After my family moved to another nation, we were told to change our birthdates to increase our chances of avoiding deportation. I entered the school using a fictitious birthdate. Except for the year, which is one year later, my fictitious birthdate in the nation is the same. For example, my false number is 05 if my real number is 4.

Now I went to school and graduated with my fake birthdate. I now want to search for schools in other countries but for that, I would need my passport. The setback is the differences in my birthdates. Unfortunately, the school doesn’t change dates. I now feel like despite getting the education I am just no one. Like I did all that for nothing. What to do?? Everything else is the same, it is just the year.

Currently, I know this is wrong but sadly I was a kid back then and never knew the correct thing to do.


I the big concern here is whether you have documentation on your true birth date. To be on the safe side, you need to fix that ASAP. Not just for school.

As far as graduating from a school is concerned, it is unlikely anyone cares. If you completed the requirements to graduate, you graduated.

Just be honest from here on out if your safety isn’t an issue.


Just contact a lawyer or a social worker to get a full guidance on what to do.


Just simply the whole story by telling them it is a clerical error, and you still earned the diploma.


I happen to work in education and for the years I have worked I haven’t come across a transcript with the birthdate on it or a diploma. All a college is going to care about is that you graduated from high school. Some people graduate a year earlier or later than others. Apply to college with your real birthdate that is on your ID.


I thing ]consulting with an immigration lawyer to explore your options. They can advise you on the potential consequences and potential paths forward.


I honestly have no direct answer to you, but I think you need to talk to a lawyer to figure this out. I know of people If that is what you’re asking about, I know of folks (all in their 70s and 80s) who were able to obtain advanced degrees despite not knowing their actual birthdates or having inconsistent dates on official documents as a result of immigration or conflict.

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