Should I Graduate Early Online or Attend In-Person Classes for My Senior Year?

Hey all,

I’m an online school student and have just been informed that I won’t be able to attend the school I want for another year due to needing to complete certain classes to graduate. As a junior, I only have one year left after this, so I’m weighing my options between graduating early online or attending in-person classes for my senior year.
How important do you think the social connections and traditional high school experience are, especially since it’s only one year? Is the experience of attending in-person classes worth the delay, or would it be better to focus on finishing up online and moving on to college?

I’d appreciate any insights or personal experiences from those who’ve faced similar decisions. Thanks in advance…

Weigh the pros and cons of social interaction vs. academic focus. Consider your personality, college goals, and extracurricular interests.

High school is only a stop on the map of your life if you intend to attend college. It is similar to having to pass through a third city when there is no direct flight available; it is inconvenient, but necessary. Your time in high school will seem little and charming the moment you enroll in college.
Go ahead and use the internet to earn the marks you need to get into a reputable college. College will be a more enjoyable experience for you than high school was.
But cry for those who choose not to attend college, for whom high school represents the high point of their lives, before they start the arduous journey of unfulfilling employment that ends in a miserable retirement.

After a semester, I graduated (in F20). I didn’t enjoy my time in college, particularly toward the conclusion, so when lockdown came, I simply wanted to be done. As a result, I chose to drop my minor and graduate one semester early.

I don’t feel bad about my choice. I didn’t have a lot of financial difficulties, but it was good to avoid paying the about $9,000 in tuition. My lease in Kerrytown is still valid until the end of August, so I’m still allowed to work in my research lab and hang out in A². In my opinion, most of the benefits of being an upperclassman may still be obtained without attending classes.

I hope that’s useful.