Professor obsessed with cheating has me paranoid about my work

Google Docs is great for this; it has a complete edit history with timestamps, so you have proof if your work gets questioned.

Just don’t cheat, and you’ll be fine. Professors are seeing a lot of copy-paste junk from AI tools, and it’s obvious. Most won’t bother accusing students without strong suspicion because it’s a hassle.

Don’t let it stress you out. Just write your papers as usual. Some professors make a big deal about this upfront, but it’s just to set expectations. Stick to your own process, and you’ll be fine. Remember to take care of your mental health, too!

I do this for a living—reviewing papers and using AI checkers. AI flags aren’t the sole evidence, and if you didn’t cheat, you should have nothing to worry about. If it comes up, just deny it and stick to your truth.

I’ve been flagged by AI detectors even though I’ve never used AI. Some of these tools just aren’t reliable.

Edu said:
I’ve been flagged by AI detectors even though I’ve never used AI. Some of these tools just aren’t reliable.

That sounds stressful! What did you do when that happened?

Thankfully, my professors never accused me, even though the detector flagged me with a high likelihood. Other students said the same thing happened to them, so I think the professor realized it was an error.

Thanks! Your comment actually calmed me down.

These programs are far from foolproof. Write your paper in Google Docs, save drafts, and ignore the scare tactics. He needs solid proof to accuse anyone, so as long as you’re honest, you’ll be fine.

Keep all versions of your drafts and any notes. I’m a professor, and I can spot AI-written work pretty well. If he’s that paranoid, just cover your bases.

There was a professor who failed his whole class over suspected AI use without real proof. Go to the dean if you feel uncomfortable. Just save all your drafts as a precaution.

Twenty credits and two jobs? Impressive!

Elsie said:
Twenty credits and two jobs? Impressive!

Yeah, I’m worn out, but graduation is so close!

If a professor you know made students do assignments in person, was it because of all the cheating or just because dealing with AI detection hassles was too much?

AI detectors aren’t great, but a human can often tell if something was written by AI. Stick with your own work, and you’ll be fine!

If he accuses you, most universities have a process for handling it. During 2020, I had a professor who accused me of cheating for finishing a test too quickly, but I stood my ground and took it up with the dean. They had to back off in the end.

People don’t apply themselves as much these days. Sorry that this is making things harder for you.

A lot of times, professors don’t even need AI detection to spot cheaters. My friend had a student use AI, and it made up a whole movie for their paper. It was obvious they hadn’t even checked the facts.

I had a professor who made a huge deal about cheating in my programming class. It stressed me out even though I didn’t cheat. At least try to keep drafts of your code if you’re worried.

A lot of professors are overwhelmed with dealing with cheaters. If you’re not cheating, focus on doing your best. The odds of being falsely accused are way lower than cheaters getting away with it.