How many pages should I write if I work on a paper for 12 hours?

Focus not on length but on developing your thesis thoroughly. Plan your time for research, writing, and revising. A well-organized 5-page essay could be more effective than a longer, less coherent work.

Not all graduate courses provide explicit prompts or guidelines. Often, you’re given a general direction and expected to explore in-depth on your own. Confirm any unclear details with your professor.

At the graduate level, expect to spend half your project time on research and reading.

If research is required, allocate significant time to that before you start writing.

The number of pages you can write in 12 hours also depends on how quickly you type.

It’s unusual to have no rubrics at this level. Contact your teacher to discuss what’s expected and how you can best meet those expectations given your work pace.

Aim to present your topic clearly and support it with facts and examples. A narrative style can help maintain reader interest, ending with a memorable summary.

I typically write 1 page per hour, so for 12 hours, I’d expect a 10-14 page paper.

The page output varies widely depending on the writer’s skill and speed.

For my PhD qualifying exams, I was able to write 5-8 pages per hour.

In my final year of college, I could write a page in about 15 minutes.

Crystal said:
In my final year of college, I could write a page in about 15 minutes.

Graduate-level writing demands more time per page than undergraduate work, often about an hour per page.

To write a book, you’d write non-stop for an hour a day for 30 days, producing about 50,000 words, or roughly 3.3 pages per hour. So, in 12 hours, that would theoretically be almost 40 pages. If you write slowly, perhaps half that.

I once wrote a 40-page paper in about four hours, including research.

As a fellow grad student, I understand the frustration with vague assignments. Good luck.