Does phone bans help improve students performance in school?

I was recently reading an article on the plans to ban phones in schools in the country. The full article is here if you want to read too:

I am just interested to know if your district is considering a similar ban. In addition, is there already one in place? If so, how is it progress? I will appreciate your inputs.


Long comment alert :smiley:
In my school, last year we had a “no phones in class” policy that was not enforced.

Recently, it is a must for students to turn in their phones when they come into school.

The difference is clearly noticeable because before we used to see 6 kids sitting around a table at lunch, each staring at their phone with their AirPods in, currently you could see the same kids having a conversation socializing, no matter how awkward it may be.

Phones are a great menace for school or any other community. I personally have always observed kids huddle in the corner where they have their phones plugged into a charger and play Call of Duty for an entire 1 hour or even for an entire day if no one bothers without looking up. The same kid in class would interrupt a teacher two minutes into the lesson to ask if they could go to the bathroom.

We as a community have rotted these kids’ brains, and it is our fault for sure. We should take the phones before things get out of hand soon.


Does abstaining from cookies and cakes help you lose weight? Indeed it does. Therefore I can comfortably argue that phone bans in schools will at greater lengths help our kids improve their performance and behavior.


Honestly, as a concerned parent I understand the need for the child to have a phone, just get them a flip phone, not a smartphone if there is a valid reason. There is no reason for a student to have a phone that can access the internet, record, play games, have social media accounts, etc while in school.


They do in my classroom. I never allow any electronics in my class. I am not boasting but it is a fact that I have the best behaved and performing classes at my school. School didn’t ban them but I did and I have seen the results.


Interesting :slightly_smiling_face:
Maybe it can work but my colleague teachers I heard from claim there is no way to enforce rules in their classrooms.


It is 100% doable because in my case, I have a table outside the class. The students can’t come in with anything. Not even a book bag, just their book, and a pen, if they don’t like it, they can go elsewhere.


Yes, it is beneficial to ban the phones from the students during instruction for better attention and of course in the end the kids will understand everything taught in addition to taming their behavior.


The ban will for sure improve the students behavior and improve their interaction. For instance, I work at a high school that recently implemented a no phone policy and it was the first time ever for me to see some of these kids faces and heard their voices. It was remarkable.


Glad to hear that your students are now socializing but find it odd because every school I have worked in or even attended has a no-talking during lunch policy.

Several students had put their heads down on the table when they were done eating and all of them did the whole deal where if someone talked they all lost five minutes of recess. This came from four different states over thirty years.


Which schools are that? That is the strangest rule I have ever heard as a teacher. I never had that in any school I have ever been. What states allow that rule? I will be sure never to move there.

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Yes from some of the research conducted in the past, banning phones in schools can help improve students’ academic performance. In addition to academic performance, the students will improve in their behaviors leading to a better school enevironment.

It is evident that removing the distraction of mobile phones can lead to better focus and higher test scores.