Can I get out of alternative school?

I’ve been involved in 3 fights in 2 months, and now I’m being sent to an alternative school for a quarter of the year. But every fight was self-defense! First one was because a kid sucker-punched me after I stood up for a friend. Then his older brother, a junior, hit me because of some rumor I said something about him (which I didn’t). The third was when a friend got mad after I joked about him cleaning up a broken bottle, then tried to grab me, so I punched him to get away. I tried explaining this, but they just tell me to shut up. I don’t think I deserve this punishment.

Give alternative school a chance before you make up your mind about it. When I went, it turned out to be one of the best things that happened to me, even if I was mad about it at first.

Evans said:
Give alternative school a chance before you make up your mind about it. When I went, it turned out to be one of the best things that happened to me, even if I was mad about it at first.

Listen to this advice, OP. Everyone deserves a second chance, and you should take full advantage of it.

Seriously. If it wasn’t for alternative school, I don’t think I’d be able to function in life today. It helped me graduate, learn to manage my emotions, and basically get my life together. It gave me the tools to live independently, away from some toxic family members.

I’m glad you found your path. I really hope OP finds theirs too.

Evans said:
Give alternative school a chance before you make up your mind about it. When I went, it turned out to be one of the best things that happened to me, even if I was mad about it at first.

I went twice last year.

Just so I understand, you went to alt school twice in 8th grade, and now in 9th grade, you’ve been involved in 3 fights within 2 months and are being sent back?

keny said:
Just so I understand, you went to alt school twice in 8th grade, and now in 9th grade, you’ve been involved in 3 fights within 2 months and are being sent back?

Yes, so what? Doesn’t mean I’m wrong now. It’s a stupid point and can’t be used as proof for anything.

Dude, THIS IS YOUR LIFE. Wake up and sort yourself out.

Donna said:
Dude, THIS IS YOUR LIFE. Wake up and sort yourself out.

I’m just saying, who cares if I went to alt school before? It doesn’t discredit what’s happening now.

Hemsworth said:

Donna said:
Dude, THIS IS YOUR LIFE. Wake up and sort yourself out.

I’m just saying, who cares if I went to alt school before? It doesn’t discredit what’s happening now.

It’s really hard to see your point when it sounds like you’re just trying to avoid consequences for your actions. Take responsibility and make a change, or in a few years, you’ll regret the path you’re on.

Sorry, my writing isn’t great. My main point is I wasn’t at fault in any of these situations. I was just defending myself from being hurt. And now I’m getting more punishment than the kid who sucker-punched me, the kid who tried to slam me, and the older kid who hit me because of some rumor.

The school doesn’t see it that way. Just accept it and try to stay out of trouble in the alt school. If you focus and do well, you can come back to regular school and stay out of trouble. This is your life—what path are you gonna take?

Man, this is BS. They’re messing up my future just because they think they’re right. I’m gonna sue them.

Hemsworth said:
Man, this is BS. They’re messing up my future just because they think they’re right. I’m gonna sue them.

I think you need to calm down. Suing your school might not be the best path, especially when it sounds like you’ve got a lot to work through.

If this has happened three times, then you’re part of the problem, no matter how you slice it. Normal students don’t get into fights like this. The school is likely protecting other students from you, and you won’t get back to regular school until they feel it’s safe for everyone. You need to rethink how you react to conflict. Avoid aggressive people, use calm words, and if needed, walk away. Good luck; keep going down this road, and you might end up in jail.

Did you even read what I wrote? Just because it happened a lot doesn’t make it my fault. The punishment isn’t fair, especially when I was just defending myself.

Hemsworth said:
Did you even read what I wrote? Just because it happened a lot doesn’t make it my fault. The punishment isn’t fair, especially when I was just defending myself.

Just saying, you’re coming off like you think you’re totally innocent. But being in fights repeatedly isn’t normal, and you’ve gotta figure out a way to change that.

Nobody has explained how I’m wrong. You’re all just saying I’m wrong because I’m in trouble. But by law and common sense, I was defending myself, and I don’t deserve to be punished like this. Would you tell someone who got sucker-punched to just move on?

People are seeing a pattern in how you handle things. It’s time to reflect on where you’re headed and take responsibility for your life. You have control over the path you choose, but right now, the one you’re on isn’t looking good.