Are there any ways to get your school records?

Hi guys,

I remember when I was a freshman in high school, and the principal threatened to send me back. She showed me a large stack of my school history, which I think she actually gave to us. This was probably around 2010. I graduated in 2014. I don’t know what happened to that stack, but I would love to have those records again. I was always in trouble in school, and it would be interesting to look back at it. I’m not sure how to go about getting those records now, especially since I graduated in 2014. Does anyone know?

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Your cumulative file, if you attended a public school, is probably in the district’s possession, albeit it may be in a box in a storage facility.

Ask someone you speak with who works in the records department and see if they can assist you. It can require some time.

How can I get my school records, like transcripts or IEPs? If you’re a current student, ask your guidance counselor. Former students need to fill out the Student Records Request Form and send it to their last school. Use the School Finder tool for contact info. Records can be requested by email, mail, or in person.